From The Editor’s desk

The term ‘faith’ is a widely discussed subject. Everyone has an opinion about it. Faith is exercised by everybody in their daily life. As a matter of fact, life is dependent on faith. Without faith it is difficult to function as a human being. Some people limit their faith in to things they can touch, smell, see, feel or hear. But this cannot be called faith as it is just an understanding of things that exist. Every act of human being is in some way or another executed by faith. From the time he wakes up from the bed and till he goes back to bed he does things by faith. Without faith, man is useless. He wouldn’t accomplish anything in life if he doesn’t exercise faith.
Lets think about the spiritual side of faith. Technically faith in physical things and spiritual things are inseparable. You are putting your trust in something unseen and you have to have some kind of confidence in accomplishing it. So the result of what you plan to accomplish is fully dependent on the amount of faith you exercise.
When it comes to spiritual things, faith works out great wonders in a person’s life. Believing in an unseen God is a proof of spiritual faith in a human being. But this special ability is not generated by man’s effort. The ignition of faith is already planted in every human being. The Bible is very clear about this. We read in Ecclesiastes 3:11 ” He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end”. Man has to believe in the unseen God, his creator. If a person does not do it, he is a rebel and filled with pride. He willfully suppresses his conscience. This is why the bible says in Psalm 14:1 ” .. The fool says in his heart there is no God….” ​.. Thus he makes a fool out of himself. This type of behavior leads to separation from God and eternal death .
On the contrary, when a person recognizes the eternity in his heart , he will exercise his conscience in the right direction. He is called a wise man. This is called fear of God. In Proverbs 9:10 we see ‘The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding..